I am writing this post just shy of my 27th birthday ! Yeah ya girl a Gemini what's up??

I would say I am like super excited (I am) but in a way I been saying I am 27 for monthsss lol like I already have been feeling "27" before the day has even arrived.

With that, I wanted to get on here and just share what I have been moving through and learning about myself coming into this summer season.

I realized I wasn't giving myself enough credit for how far I have come in my life. Sometimes we can look at what we have done thus far in life and be like " Well I could of done more" or " That is expected of me, not really a big deal" , downplaying our progress. I am someone who has been through a lot and has done a lot to process and move on, and that is something to celebrate. In this world, there are people who will make their problems their reason for bitterness. They will use their pain as a reason to bring pain to others. They will sit there and blame everything on everyone. 

And if you don't turn out like that, even after all the pain you have been through, that is something to be proud of.

I had that realization because sometimes I find myself being very harsh with myself, putting this pressure on myself every day to improve, improve, improve.

And wanting to grow and "improve" yourself isn't a bad thing. I do believe as people we grow everyday, at different rates but growing regardless, especially if you are dedicated to it. 

I had this sudden epiphany a while back after a meditation I did where I was like " I appreciate myself." I appreciate the attitude I have when it comes to healing, to learning, to working on my business more than ever before, to not giving up, to being determined that even on bad days I am doing just as good as my good days. After experiencing that change in mindset, I felt less of a pressure to be in this rush and have an intense eye on things. I think I finally built more faith in myself and where I am going in this lifetime. 

I think we can get caught in a whirlwind of comparison or beating ourselves down when we feel we're not doing "enough" or should be at a certain point in our life. We go on social media or hear what other people got going on and think that means something about us. 

But instead of focusing on that, choose to just let comparison and shame go, because we are where you are meant to be. The more you set the intention everyday of doing what you can, and giving yourself grace on days you don't feel your best. The process does get easier and easier as you apply that thinking.

I think that switch in thinking has also helped me better enjoy my hobbies or working on business. My mind isn't so preoccupied, overthinking what " work " I need to do. Life is about enjoyment, and you don't need to focus 24/7 on your career in order to be successful, just do what you can everyday. I just finished a book I had left on the burner for a few weeks; I'm going to use examples from it for future posts and I did reference it in my latest E-Book which you can purchase here: KITTY EXPOSÉ – Pretty Sub LLC.

I just started reading another book, back into studying Korean (I been half assing the past weeks) and taking my naps of course (not to get too into my sleep schedule but I will sleep around 10/11pm , wake up between 2-4 am, then be up until I take an afternoon nap) If we plan to go out, I am definitely taking a nap before that. I be wanting to fix it y'all but I think I am a night owl or something. 

I just feel a better sense of going with the flow, I've had a few things pop up that definitely make me feel I am on the right track. I just FEEL a better sense of myself and where I am going. I trust myself more and find myself relying more on HOW I feel and what I feel drawn to do, opposed to listening to so much outside interference ( of course knowing when there is helpful advice versus not) 

Especially if you're a spiritual babe like me, I found it so easy before to get sucked into overconsuming content: tarot readings, books, what people are saying etc. I love learning and these things can be very beneficial, but there is a point you need to apply what you learn, rather than listening to a million different things and not taking any action. You can feel stuck in limbo when you're just learning and learning but not applying it to your life.

Embodying what I want to do and taking more inspired action is my goals now this season. And having more fun because like Glo said " It's 7pm Friday, 95 degrees , I aint got no ni**a and a ni**a don't got me !" ( I am lying on that last part, ya girl ready for her husband this summer) but you get the vibes!

I am excited to bring forth more projects to help women embrace their sexuality and be shameless about their needs and confidence. I have a super good feeling about this summer and if you feel a bit iffy about that lately, I am sending good vibes to you! I recommend checking out my course or e-book to help you work through those feelings because Kitten, you deserve an amazing pleasurable life. 

Make sure to check your inboxes for the next email, we'll be doing something super special on Sunday 6/2/2024!



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Releasing Shame Course: KITTEN SZN: RELEASE SHAME – Pretty Sub LLC

Book a Session with Me: KITTEN CHAT 💖 – Pretty Sub LLC


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