Hi Kittens !! And welcome to "KITTEN CARE" where on Sundays I will send a special self care tip in your inbox. I know the weekend is usually everyone's relaxation time, and I feel Sundays are always the " relax, lazy " day for a lot of us. So why not make it even more enjoyable by making suggestions of making it even better ? And you don't have to do these JUST on Sundays, if anything you can practice these everyday or whatever days you feel called to.

In this first post we will be talking about is MINDSET.

I suggest the first thing you do when you wake up, is to lay there, and say a positive affirmation. What are affirmations? They're basically like a positive statement you can make and believe in. For example, you can say something simple as like " I am going to have a great day today." 

I suggest you try your best to not look at social media or messages right away ( yes it is a bad habit I am trying to break) but more times than not, I got up, rolled over and scrolled on social media and saw super negative stuff.  I think society in general has tried to normalize certain negative things or behaviors or mindsets and we have become numb to its effects on us and how we may think or perceive the world. So my best advice is try to stay clear of your phone at least until you're out the door ( or as long as possible lol)

I also suggest cleaning up your social media. Unfollow any pages that are negative. Block that toxic ex partner or those " friends" you follow but subconsciously talk shit about. Clean it up. Follow pages or people who inspire you, who aren't pushing narratives or stories you disagree with.

Not just on Sundays, but every morning I meditate or find an inspirational video to watch or listen to. I will listen to it before I get up to get ready, and on the train to wherever I am going. I feel starting off your morning with those instead of endlessly scrolling social media, really changes your mindset of the day.

And I am not saying to ignore the news or the reality of things going on, I am saying oversaturating your mind with all these horrible things going on and endlessly scrolling, can impact your mental health. 

I suggest making a task lists ( I make them but always forget to do something lol)  It can be as simple or as detailed as you want. For example I would write :

1. Shower

2. Clean Room

3. Organize business desk/ area

4. Read another chapter of a book

5. Nap 

6. Study ....

Something basic like that would suffice. Completing tasks can also help lift your mood, no matter how simple they are. And even if you're not able to do everything in one day, congratulate yourself for doing what you can today. Starting off basic will help you build momentum and you're not feeling overwhelmed.

My last suggestion is reflection. It is the end of the week. Think to yourself : 

" What did I accomplish or do this week?"

" How was I feeling this week? Any highs or lows?"

" What did I do this week to show love to myself?"

" What can I do TODAY to show love to myself?" ( going out for a walk?, hobbies?)

Questions like this you can journal or simply think about. I journal a lot because I like to just brain dump everything and how I feel and ask myself "why do I feel like this? oh because it relates to this" I even journal random things I think about or ideas I have for art or these blog posts or my business. I recently went to the art museum because I was wanting to be inspired and I am glad I went. Journaling can help you sort out your thoughts, or when you may not have someone to talk to at that moment or rather keep it private.

So that is that. This is KITTEN CARE TIP 1 ! I hope you guys enjoyed it and got something out of it. I thought this would be a great idea to have a series on Sundays ( but you can apply these tips anytime of the week) to help jumpstart a new week or to help you guys tap more into self love and care.

Don't forget to leave a comment and share with your fellow kittens! If you guys have suggestions or ideas ( regarding this series or other projects) let me know on our instagram @prettysub_cosmetics. 

Bye bye for now !





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